Criminal Forensic Testing
When time is of the essence and reliable data is vital, the forensic testing lab you trust with microscopic evidence from a crime scene can make a large impact on your case. RJ Lee Group’s highly trained forensic scientists deliver meticulous results using thoroughly tested forensic analysis protocols.
We routinely work with over 400 agencies, ranging from law enforcement to prosecutorial and defense attorneys offices, throughout the United States, the Caribbean, and as far as New Zealand. Our analysis helps provide answers to our clients, and RJ Lee Group’s team of expert witnesses give those answers a confident voice by communicating complex scientific concepts clearly in court testimony.
A History of Expertise and Innovation
RJ Lee Group has assessed environmental issues since the early 1980s when our Energy Technology Consultants (ETC) pioneered the recognition of specific air quality patterns. We developed a cutting-edge technique for identifying, measuring, and characterizing particles in the air using computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM).
RJ Lee Group has worked with clients in various industries, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to assess and provide solutions for environmental factors that could affect our health. Our services have grown over the years, from setting controls for unbound nanoparticles (UNP) to designing and building test chambers to simulate specific environmental conditions.
Today we offer our expertise for our clients’ environmental and compliance concerns and perform rigorous assessment and management of potential environmental risks.
Gunshot Residue (GSR) Testing and Distance Determination
When analyzing evidence, nothing is more important than the value, consistency and reliability of your forensics testing laboratory. The RJ Lee Group forensics team meets or exceeds requirements established by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) and is accredited in gunshot residue analysis, as well as distance determination.
RJ Lee Group’s forensic scientists perform GSR analysis on samples from skin, clothing, vehicles, and other surfaces to determine if primer residue particles are present. We offer exceptional turnaround times and pioneered the use of computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy to quickly and accurately identify GSR particles.
By using the firearm and ammunition used in an incident, RJ Lee Group’s experts can determine the muzzle-to-target distance through conducting a distance determination analysis.
Our experts’ abilities go beyond analysis. We also offer consultation services by reviewing and critiquing data from other laboratories to help our clients develop the best strategy for their cases.

expert spotlight
Tarah Helsel
Manager & Forensic Scientist
Tarah oversees and participates in the preparation, analysis, interpretation and reporting of gunshot residue (GSR) evidence using Scanning Electron Microscopy / Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) techniques. She is an expert witness and has given testimony in federal and state courts, for both the prosecution and the defense on more than 90 occasions. She has been qualified as an expert witness in courts in 20 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and the countries of Bermuda and Turks and Caicos.
Discuss Forensic Testing with an RJ Lee Group Expert Today
Rapid and reliable forensic testing is crucial for getting answers in the wake of a crime, building a criminal case, and pursuing justice. Call RJ Lee Group today to speak with a member of our forensics team to learn all the ways we can support your investigation or litigation.